Este época del año, es una de las más relevantes, por cuanto estamos en los días previos a los Moedim (tiempos señalados) para el otoño, entregados por Yehováh, para que Su pueblo se acerque a Él. Por esta razón te recomiendo leer atenta y repetidamente el capítulo 23 del libro de Levítico, orando que Yehováh te dé entendimiento al respecto.
Cuando comienzas a practicar estas celebraciones, recibes una luz mayor para comprender las Escrituras y puedes así mismo descubrir con más claridad el rol que nuestro Padre espera que tú juegues en estos tiempos finales
Lamentablemente, la iglesia ha desechado estas celebraciones debido a una teología torcida y antisemítica desarrollada y enseñada por generaciones. Sin embargo el plan perfecto de Yehováh apunta a que tanto los judíos como el resto de Yisrael (parte del cual se halla dentro de la iglesia sin ser consciente de su identidad), volverán a ser una sola nación que obedece la Toráh y que practica sus Festivales por la eternidad.
Yehováh es muy claro en establecer que quienes nos consideramos Su pueblo, debemos practicar estas celebraciones, porque ellas constituyen una prueba de que lo reconocemos a Él como nuestro Dios-Creador y Padre, y a la vez de que Él nos reconoce como sus hijos.
Lea el artículo completo aquí:
YHWH will not be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of YHWH and his jealousy will smoke against that man, and the curses written in this book will settle upon him, and YHWH will blot out his name from under heaven.
Deuteronomy 29:20
If you know what God has commanded, yet choose to do things your own way, unless you repent, God will not forgive you no matter how you plead, no matter how great your deeds. If you say "I know better than #godslaw" you make yourself God's enemy. He will destroy you eventually. Those in open rebellion against #torah must be quarantined from the nation or all will suffer.
#deuteronomy 29:17-21
Idolatry leads to bitterness which leads to self-deception which leads to spiritual death. All false gods hate their own worshipers and seek to enslave and destroy them, spiritually if not always physically.
Deuteronomy 29:19 contains a phrase that is difficult to translate. Moist and dry? Sinner and guiltless? Drunkenness and thirst? However it translates, it refers to the ultimate emptiness and uselessness of man-made religion. Only YHWH wants to do good for all His faithful for all eternity.
#deuteronomy 29:17-21 #nitsavim
New science lessons were uploaded to the Homeschooling Torah website yesterday. ? This year we are writing lessons about operational science, which is a kind of science that can be repeated and reproduced. It can be observed by any human being. ? Over the course of the school year, we will look at many people in the Bible who observed creation around them, and we will see if we can observe the same things. ? We will learn what discoveries they made, what inventions they produced, and what inspiration we can gain from them to make our own world better. We will learn about the laws of the Torah, and how, when they are applied to science, they can make our lives better, our lifespans longer, and our days happier. We will also observe what happens when we break the laws of the Torah and how those consequences affect all of God’s creation. ? This is a great time to be using Homeschooling Torah!
Unbelievers speaking from their hearts are usually speaking lies and wickedness, especially to themselves. See #psalm 10 & #deuteronomy 29:17-21.
They might be sincere and might even sound wise, but they are often sincerely wrong and their advice is poisoned with foolishness.