This coming week, May 22-28 (21-27 Iyar 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Bechukotai (In My Statutes).
22 May Leviticus 26:3-5 Isaiah 24:1-26:21 Acts 20:17-38 Proverbs 25:23-28
23 May Leviticus 26:6-9 Isaiah 27:1-28:29 Acts 21:1-19 Psalm 89:1-7
24 May Leviticus 26:10-46 Isaiah 29:1-24 Acts 21:20-40 Psalm 89:8-18
25 May Leviticus 27:1-15 Isaiah 30:1-33 Acts 22:1-30 Psalm 89:19-29
26 May Leviticus 27:16-21 Isaiah 31:1-33:24 Acts 23:1-15 Psalm 89:30-37
27 May Leviticus 27:22-28 Isaiah 34:1-36:22 Acts 23:16-35 Psalm 89:38-45
28 May Leviticus 27:29-34 Jeremiah 16:19-17:14 Acts 24:1-27 Psalm 89:46-52
The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2021-22 (Hebrew year 5782) is available at this link:
Scripture is clear that Yeshua was born of the spirit of YAH, filled with the spirit of YAH, led by the Spirit of YAH, and empowered by the spirit of YAH. In this video, G. Steven Simons emphasizes Yeshua’s complete reliance upon YAH’s spirit and reveals to the believer seven steps to a life empowered by YAH.
Find the link on our website and phone app as well.
Phone app: Triumph In truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)
Premiering TONIGHT, May 20th, at 8:30PM CDT (UTC-5) - Home Worship Video Resource. Click the link below and make your way over to our YouTube channel or website to watch the premiere of our Home Worship Video Resource. You can also find a link to the video on our phone app. See you there!
Phone app: Triumph In truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)
Erev Shabbat shalom, brethren! I'm speaking live on my friend's zoom at 8 central tonight (30 minutes from this post). Feel free to drop in and join. There is discussion after the message. Bring your tomatoes to throw, LOL!
Erev Shabbat shalom, brethren! I'm speaking live on my friend's zoom at 8 central tonight (30 minutes from this post). Feel free to drop in and join. There is discussion after the message. Bring your tomatoes to throw, LOL!
Premiering TONIGHT, May 20th, at 8:30PM CDT (UTC-5). Click the link below and make your way over to our YouTube channel or website to watch the premiere of our Home Worship Video resource. You can also find a link to the video on our phone app. See you there!
Phone app: Triumph In truth (Google Play)/Triumph Family (AppStore)