I like this platform, it's nice to not see worldly ads or suggestions like on facebook, I don't like getting distracted by clips from Hellywood movies or people behaving unrightiously or immodest in short clips or ticktoks etc, those can be addicting and sometimes you don't even realize you started watching them until you've sat there for 15 minutes watching one after another, real filth for you spiritually. It's important to guard what you let in through your eyes, ears and other senses, Praise YAH.
An uncovered head is symbolic of the removal or denial of a legitimate higher authority and all of the protection that authority might have conveyed and shaving the head and face (or the hair falling out) is a dramatic way to uncover a head. (See #leviticus 13:29-59.) Tzara'at (Hebrew for leprosy) of the head and beard might indicate a sin of prideful Lashon Hara (evil tongue). Pathological rejection of rightful authority breaks the bonds of community and, like tzara'at, must be quarantined.
A quote from my new book, "Remember the Sabbath." Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S63PTWS/
I'm still here. I still need a ton of prayer for anyone who can remember me and my family.
I have been through so much, and more and more seems to be added to my plate.
Yahweh is still good. still on the throne, halleluYAH!
there's so many prayer needs and I need them answered, halleluYAH
I pray you are all blessed
[The Apostles] said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.
Jude 1:18-19
There have always been scoffers and narcissists in the world. Jude is talking about people within the body of Christ, so-called believers. In this respect, "the last time" began in Acts 3 and continues to this day.
Peter Rambo
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